
My bag of nuts

Good-bye long weekend. Hello short week!

Super pumped to be joining in on the Blogtember Challenge from Story of My Life! Hoping that after a month of blogging every day (minus weekends), I'll get back into the swing of things (fingers crossed). So here goes nothing...

 Today's prompt: describe where or what you come from. The people, the places, and/or the factors that make up who you are.
This is my family...


hard working.
luckily I married into a family just as nuts as my own.

We're a small group with lots of personality. 
We have our strengths and our weaknesses.
We've always been a bunch of weirdos. 
We don't take life too seriously. 
Rules and etiquette aren't really things that ever cross our minds. 
Laughter is our medicine.
We have our fair share of dysfunction. 
We have an entangled story of joys, pains, laughter, sorrow. 
The family I have today isn't like the family I had ten years ago. 
Our new story is a story of redemption and joy. 
We're still all pieces of work but we've been created new in Christ. 
I am thankful every day for the handful of nuts I get to call family.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun introduction to your family! I really like what you said about your family's new story... about redemption and joy. What a beautiful way to put it.
    p.s. love your aerobicizing gear :)


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