
This life

Day 15 of the Blogtember Challenge on Story of My Life -- life lately....

Where to begin.

Life is nothing like it was 6 months ago. 

We've conquered two years of marriage (officially tomorrow).

We haven't been alone in our home for more than 24 hours in over a month. 

I left my job in August. 

We're starting a pizza food truck.

We're (tentatively) 30 days away from being homeowners. 

What?!?!? Six months ago I wouldn't have been able to even put together the most elaborate (yet still reasonable) scenario and it look like this. I feel like I'm jumping from one cliff before reaching the bottom of another. Luckily, I am a slight adrenaline junkie so the rush is only giving me a semi heart attack. On a serious note though, it's been amazing and I feel like we're making moves and big steps towards our future. I've yet to catch my breath but breathing is overrated. 

And for your daily pleasure...Check out my man lookin fly


  1. Wait What! A pizza truck!!!??? That so awesome! I'd love to follow your adventures on that. Also, did you quit to be a SAHW or a new job? Just curious. :)

  2. holllllllllly cow!!! i had no idea you guys were starting a food truck! or that you left your job! or that yall were buying a house! congrats congrats congrats! so exciting.

    hope all is well pretty girl! xox

  3. Anonymous24.9.13

    Wait, you put an offer on a house??? That's awesome!!! Assuming in Raleighwood somewhere. (: I need the deets!


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