
Me and all my goodness

Eek! It's Friday the 13th. Spoooooky. So to add to your spooks, todays Blogtember prompt is posting a selfie. I'm particularly good at these. For those that know me, a serious picture is a rare find and goes for millions on eBay. 

This is me. Nutty. Outdoorsy. Casual. 
I have a serious side and girly side. But all in all, this pic sums me up. It's what I look like in my natural environment. Now you know why Mike couldn't resist this piece of hotness and had to marry me. 

P.s. This is my view right now. 
Traveling first class (first timer) and hanging out in the American Airlines Admirals club on my way to San Diego. Feels like a piece of traveling Heaven. My neighbor on the first plane hooked me up and brought me into the 'club.' Free goodies galore. It's only 10:30 in Chicago.... Is it too early for a glass of wine? Neeeevahhhh! Bahtender, ill have anuthah! 

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha, I love your self-portrait, and your obviously quirky personality : ) Have fun on your trip! I love flying, although I've only flown first-class once, and I was too young to drink : (


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